Protection against unfair competition
Our lawyers and advocates have significant practical experience in the field of antitrust legislation, and necessary competencies to represent your interests both in antitrust authorities and in courts of any instance.

Efficient activity of large companies in Russia is unthinkable without compliance with antitrust regulations. When making major transactions, executing partnership and distribution agreements, conducting advertising events, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the existing antitrust restrictions and requirements established by the legislation on the protection of competition.

We are ready to share our practical experience and accumulated knowledge by organizing training seminars for your employees on antitrust legislation and the practice of its application. If your company needs a legal analysis of transactions from the point of view of their compliance with the norms of legislation on the protection of competition and advertising, then our specialists will conduct it efficiently and in the shortest possible time. We are also ready to take on all the procedures for filing petitions and notifications to the FAS Russia.

Antitrust compliance
• Consulting on the application of legislation on the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position and the prohibition of agreements that restrict competition, on natural monopolies, considering current judicial practice;
• Analysis of civil contracts for their compliance with competition protection legislation;
• Analysis of business activities with the development of recommendations considering the requirements of antitrust legislation (antitrust audit);
• Representation of interests in coordinating transactions with antitrust authorities (acquisition of shares, stakes, property, rights in relation to Russian companies, coordinating the creation, merger, accession of companies, etc.).
Compliance with advertising legislation
• Legal analysis of advertising and other information for compliance with legislation and judicial practice;
• Representation and protection of your interests in interactions with government agencies on advertising issues, including in antitrust authorities and courts;
• Consulting on issues related to compliance with advertising legislation, including on the Internet (labeling, tokens, etc.);
• Representing clients’ interests when there are actions related to unfair competition against them (brand “parasitism”, unfair advertising, etc.).
Antitrust disputes
• Preparation of complaints about violations of antitrust legislation;
• Legal support of disputes before antitrust authorities and in courts;
• Appealing against prosecution for violations of antitrust legislation;
• Appealing against the results of an analysis of the state of competition in the commodity market;
• Appealing decisions to refuse to approve transactions by antitrust authorities.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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