Banks, loans, finance, insurance
Our company's specialists have significant experience in providing legal services in financial sector both in supporting the activities of banks, credit institutions, and insurance companies, and in protecting their interests before government agencies and in courts.

Effective legal support for banks, credit and insurance organizations is the key to their confident growth and stability. Our company offers customized solutions that will help effectively cope with any legal challenges, from compliance with regulatory requirements to protecting interests in complex situations. We do understand the unique needs of the financial sector and offer strategic advice that not only prevents risks, but also opens up new opportunities for development.

Our team has deep knowledge of the specifics of the financial sector and practical experience in working with regulators, which allows us to effectively solve problems related to licensing, reporting and protecting the rights and interests of our clients. We strive to ensure the reliability and legal security of your operations, contributing to successful and stable activities in the context of constantly changing legislation.

Legal support for key aspects of activities
• Legal support in the establishment of banks, credit institutions and insurance companies, including support for the procedures for obtaining the necessary licenses;
• Legal support for mergers, acquisitions and other types of reorganization, as well as the purchase and sale of companies;
• Legal registration of corporate procedures, including an increase in authorized capital, as well as the repurchase of shares within the framework of a voluntary and mandatory offer;
• Legal support for procedures for obtaining preliminary consent from the Bank of Russia for the acquisition of percentages of shares (equity stakes) of a bank.
Working with contracts and local acts
• Development of forms for complex types of transactions - subordinated loan agreements, reinsurance, etc.;
• Comprehensive preparation of contractual documentation for banks, credit institutions, insurance companies (insurance rules, general lending conditions, etc.).
Judicial and administrative disputes
• Representation in debt recovery cases, including bankruptcy of banks, credit and insurance organizations, bringing their beneficiaries and management to subsidiary liability and challenging transactions;
• Representation in cases of payment of insurance compensation, changes in insurance conditions, recognition of cases as insured or non-insured;
• Representation during inspections by regulators, appealing their orders and actions;
• Representation during tax audits, inspections in the field of compliance with antitrust legislation, appealing the results of control.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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