Energy industry
Our lawyers and advocates who are specializing in this industry have significant practical experience working for companies in the energy sector and advising them on issues related to the application of energy legislation, and possess the necessary knowledge for legal support of transactions and disputes in this industry.

Energy occupies an important place in the Russian economy and represents a sphere of relations in the production, transportation, and consumption of energy. Companies represented in this market segment are required to strictly comply with energy legislation, which is a complex symbiosis of general and special norms of civil law, antimonopoly legislation, tariff regulations and technical requirements. It is following the letter of the law that will help prevent the occurrence of legal disputes and all kinds of risks.


Our experience covers both traditional industries such as electric power, oil and gas, as well as new areas, including alternative energy sources. Under strict government regulation and the dynamics of the global market, our specialists help clients to remain competitive, observing all legal norms and requirements.

Lawyers of Yakovlev and Partners who are specializing in this industry have significant practical experience working in companies in the energy sector and advising on issues related to the application of legislation on the electric power industry and possess the necessary knowledge for legal support of transactions and disputes in this industry.

Examples of practice cases

• Representing the interests of a heat supply company in a lawsuit filed by a heating grid company to recover the cost of heat transfer services.

• Preparation of a legal opinion on issues related to the technological connection of energy receiving devices of an electric energy consumer, taking into account the legal nature of the technological connection agreement and the possibility of a unilateral postponement of obligations to fulfill technical conditions by the applicant.

• Legal support of a court dispute on the claim of an electric retail organization for the recovery of unjustified enrichment in the amount of the cost of excess losses.

• Legal support of a natural monopoly entity in the framework of claims for challenging tariffs and for compensation of losses caused by tariff regulation.

• Representing the interests of energy generating and grid companies in collecting debts from consumers for supplied energy resources, as well as representing interests in enforcement proceedings and bankruptcy proceedings of debtor organizations.

• Legal support of a dispute with a heat supply company for damages in connection with non-contractual consumption of thermal energy and coolant.

Infrastructure services
• Advising on legal issues related to the creation of infrastructure facilities and the technical conditions for connecting power receiving devices;
• Legal support for the construction and reconstruction of energy and infrastructure facilities, as well as the comprehensive implementation of energy investment projects;
• Legal support of technological connection of electric grid facilities, as well as procedures for power redistribution.
Contractual work
• Consulting in the field of tariff regulation;
• Legal support of transactions for the acquisition of infrastructure facilities, technological connection, preparation of standard contracts with consumers based on approved legislative provisions.
Inspections and disputes in the field of energy
• Legal support for inspections and interaction with regulatory authorities (FAS of Russia, Rosprirodnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage), Rostechnadzor (Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision service of Russia));
• Legal support for debt collection for services rendered, energy provided, unjustified enrichment in the amount of excess losses, etc.;
• Protection of interests in the identification of non-contractual consumption;
• Representing interests in challenging tariffs and compensating for losses caused by tariff regulation.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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