Private property
We will help you resolve any issues with real estate and land safely and confidently. Purchase and sale, lease, registration of property rights, disputes with developers — our experts will protect your interests at every stage of the transaction. Reliable legal support is the key to successful solutions!

Our legal practice in the field of real estate, land and construction for individuals is aimed at comprehensive protection of the clients’ interests in one of the most important aspects of their lives — property management. We do understand that every real estate or land transaction is not just a legal process, but often a decision that affects the welfare, safety and comfort of the clients.

We pay special attention to ensure that each stage of interaction is as transparent and understandable as possible for the client. Regardless of whether it is a question of buying a first apartment, a dispute with a developer, or resolving difficulties related to land ownership, we provide an individual approach and qualified solutions, taking into account all legal nuances.

In our work, we adhere to the principles of good faith, attention to details and absolute confidentiality. We understand that there are personal interests behind every transaction, and our task is to ensure their protection by reducing all possible risks and ensuring legal security.

Practice services
• Support of real estate transactions – verification of title documents, urban planning regulations, rules and plans for facilities, structuring transactions, verification and legal analysis of contracts (purchase and sale, deeds of gift, pledge, etc.), etc.;
• Legal support for registration of real estate rights – registration of rights, including those that previously arose, registration of land and land plots, "land amnesty", etc.;
• Legal support for construction work – obtaining permits for construction, reconstruction, redevelopment and reconstruction, legalizing construction work, including redevelopment and reconstruction;
• Support of disputes in the field of real estate – termination of contracts, recognition of ownership rights, confiscation of property from someone else's illegal possession, recognition of rights as absent, disputes with developers and contractors, etc.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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