Real estate, land, construction
Many years of experience allows our company to use unique solutions for legal support of business in the field of land relations, real estate and construction, to find out of the box methods and effective solutions to achieve the goals set.

Our legal practice in the field of real estate, land relations and construction provides clients with comprehensive legal support at every stage of working with real estate. We support transactions of any degree of complexity, ensuring safety and compliance with all legal regulations. Regardless of whether you are planning to buy, sell or rent real estate, our team of experienced lawyers and advocates will ensure transparency and protection of your interests.

In matters of land relations, we assist in solving complex legal problems related to the registration of land ownership, resolution of land disputes and land use issues. If conflicts arise, our goal is to achieve their resolution in favor of the client, using our experience and deep knowledge of land law.


In the field of construction, we support projects from the planning stage to their completion, providing legal support at all key stages. Our lawyers participate in drafting and verification of contracts, monitor the fulfillment of obligations and resolve disputes between participants of construction process. We closely interact with builders, developers and investors, helping successfully implement the most ambitious projects.

According to the results of ratings of Russian law firms, the land law and real estate practice of The Yakovlev and Partners Law Group occupies a confident place among the leaders in Russia.

Real Estate Disputes
• Legal support of pre-trial conflict resolution procedures;
• Provision of services for the protection of property rights, as well as other rights to real estate;
• Legal assistance in establishing the objective cadastral value of real estate;
• Ensuring judicial protection in lease, contract and land disputes, as well as in disputes on real estate and construction issues with government agencies;
• Legal support of disputes on the collection of insurance compensation in relation to real estate;
• Representation of the interests of the client when initiating the procedure for the seizure of land plots, real estate.
Real estate transactions and registration of rights
• Conducting legal due diligence of real estate objects, including analysis of the grounds for the emergence and control of proper registration of rights to acquired real estate objects, assessment of their tradability and legitimacy of previous transactions with them, risk assessment, as well as preparation of recommendations for overcoming or minimizing them;
• Legal support for registration of rights to real estate objects;
• Legal support and structuring of real estate transactions (lease, purchase and sale, pledge, shared participation in construction, etc.), including analysis of tax consequences, development of optimal conditions for financing such transactions, proposal of ways to optimize the principal's risks during their execution;
• Legal assistance in privatization procedures, other cases of provision of land plots in state and municipal ownership.
Land issues
• Transfer of a land plot from one land-use category to another (for example, from agricultural use to urban/residential one);
• Support of procedures for changing the category and type of permitted use of land plots;
• Legal support for territorial planning, zoning of territories, and other public procedures;
• Legal support in the turnover of agricultural land and forest fund plots, taking into account the specifics and restrictions established by current legislation.
Investment projects
• Analysis of the legitimacy of an investment project, as well as the existence of grounds and validity of claims to real estate objects arising during the execution of investment projects;
• Comprehensive legal support for the activities of developers, development companies, investors, including: development of maps for the implementation of projects to obtain rights to real estate, investment contracts, construction contracts, provision of technical customer services and other similar documents;
• Legal support for the activities of the general contractor in a construction contract (preparation of draft construction contracts, settlement of relations between the parties, preparation of legal opinions on issues arising during construction).
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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