Intellectual Property
As a result of many years of experience of our team, we provide a high level of protection of the interests of our clients not only in resolving disputes in the field of intellectual property, but also in preventing them subject to timely request for legal support.

The result of intellectual activity is a valuable asset that underlies the commercial activity of any modern company or is an integral part of it. Legal protection of intellectual property objects allows you to maintain the company's competitive position and gain an advantage in the target market.


The lawyers of the intellectual property practice of the Yakovlev and Partners Law Group team have expert skills, knowledge and a business-oriented approach that allow not only to deeply understand the goals pursued by the client, but also to identify additional opportunities for protecting intellectual rights that may have previously remained outside his/her attention. Our services include an audit of intellectual property, creating a structure for its protection, protection against counterfeiting, resolving disputes in the field of intellectual property and others.

Contractual work
• Consultations on contractual work with exclusive rights, assistance in choosing a suitable contractual model for the use or distribution of intellectual property, its tax implications, providing recommendations for minimizing risks;
• Formalization of legal relations in the field of creating intellectual property with author-employees, freelancers, agencies, design companies, etc.;
• Preparation and analysis of contracts in the field of intellectual property, including licensing agreements, agreements on the alienation of intellectual rights, author's commission agreements, etc.;
• Legal support for the conclusion of contracts regarding exclusive rights in cases where such registration is necessary;
• Legal support for franchising.
Registration of trademarks
• Conducting preliminary search for identity and similarity in the Database of Trademarks of the Russian Federation of the presented designations;
• Registration and submission to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of applications for registration of trademarks;
• Legal support for applications in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property;
• Receiving notification of acceptance of applications for consideration, receiving decisions on registration of trademarks, receiving certificates for trademarks.
Registration of rights to inventions
• Search for analogues of an invention, conducting a comparative analysis of invention claims for applications filed in Russia and other countries;
• Preparation and filing of an application for a patent for an invention in Russia and abroad (including within the framework of Eurasian application);
• Legal support on all issues related to the procedure for conducting an examination of an application for a patent for an invention;
• Legal support for registration of rights to a “unified technology”.
Legal support for projects in the field of entertainment business
• Consulting on the creation, production and distribution of audiovisual works, including the transfer of copyright and related rights by performers in show business, the film industry in Russia and abroad;
• Representation of interests in executing production agreements and other agreements with production companies, TV channels, including foreign companies;
• On-going legal support for the execution of agreements with artists;
• Representation of interests in debts recovery cases against recording companies under production agreements in Russia and abroad.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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