Tax consulting and tax disputes
Our advocates and lawyers have extensive experience in consulting on tax, customs and currency law, and have the necessary knowledge to provide legal support for transactions and analyze them from the point of view of compliance with standards and customs.

Our company offers advanced solutions in the field of tax consulting and tax dispute resolution, focusing on the needs of your business. We provide not just consultations, but also work out individual strategies for tax planning, risk minimization and increased financial efficiency. Our experts have unique experience and deep knowledge of current tax legislation, which allows us to find out of box approaches for complex problems solutions.

In the event of tax disputes, our team provides reliable legal protection, ensuring qualified representation of the client's interests at all levels - from proceedings before tax authorities at the stages of consideration of tax audit reports to litigation. We strive to quickly resolve disputes and protect your rights, using deep knowledge of the law and practical experience. Coming to us, you get confidence that your tax issues will be resolved at high professional level. Our goal is to ensure maximum protection of your rights and interests, contributing to the achievement of favorable results in any tax issues.

Tax planning
• Consulting on the conditions for applying tax benefits, special tax regimes and other preferences, including within the framework of investment activities;
• Evaluation of the applied tax planning mechanisms and minimization of tax risks;
• Analysis and assistance in the implementation of effective corporate tax structures;
• Evaluation of the tax consequences of transactions, recommendations for structuring transactions and obligations;
• Comprehensive audit of the tax burden and business processes.
Tax disputes
• Development and implementation of a strategy to protect the interests of a taxpayer;
• Representation and protection of interests during tax control activities, as well as during the review of tax audit materials;
• Legal support during interrogations (surveys, conversations) with tax officials;
• Appealing the results of tax audits in tax authorities and in courts, including on issues of unjustified tax benefits.
Criminal prosecution
• Consulting on criminal prosecution in the field of taxation;
• Analysis and legal assessment of risks and factual circumstances in the event of initiation of a criminal case;
• Providing qualified legal support to taxpayers, their managers and employees at all stages of criminal proceedings;
• Providing legal assistance to legal entities, managers, employees during operational activities;
• Legal protection during investigative actions.
Moscow,Head Office
Moscow (Moscow International Business Center Moscow City)
2 Bolshoy Kazenny Lane, Moscow, 105062 (P.O.Box 362)
5206 office, 52d floor, Tower «East», complex «Federation», Moscow International Business Center Moscow City, 12 Presnenskaya Embankment
134 Volodarskogo Street, 610002
5006 office, 26 Sklyarenko Street, 443086
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