Advocates of Yakovlev and Partners Law Group defended interests of a subsurface resources user
Tatiana Kormilitsyna and Elena Myakisheva defended interests of a subsurface resources user in a dispute against a tax authority over additional tax deficiency.

Tax authority additionally charged the subsurface resources user with the extraction of commercial minerals tax deficiency, penalties and fines (in total, more than RUB270 million) because it had concluded that the subsoil user, together with affiliated persons, had artificially separated a single mineral extraction process.

The tax authority considered that operations carried out with commercial mineral resources after its sale by a subsurface resources user to an affiliated person were not operations involving the processing of the mineral resource into another product, but were primary processing operations for the purpose of bringing the mineral resource to the requirements of marketable quality.

Such disputes are frequently resolved not in favor of the subsurface resources user: tax authority proves that the extracted commercial mineral for the purposes of commercial minerals extraction tax calculation is not the raw material originally extracted from the subsurface, but the product obtained as a result of additional technological operations with it.

In this dispute it was proved that the operations had been carried out with the extracted mineral after its sale to an affiliated person had not been included in the cycle of mining operations, and the mineral even before these operations had met the GOST (Russian National Standard) requirements and regulations, and after the execution of these operations there had been a sort product, which had had its own special properties.

As a result, the courts agreed with the position of the subsurface resources user and recognized the decision of the tax authority as invalid.

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